
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hang'n by a limb...

Most of you who know Will know he is my little dare-devil...he's going to climb in and out and up on everything. Today we were at the park and I was talking with a friend when I turned around Will was hanging from these bars...going uh-uh...I said, "Honey, don't fall, I've got you." (as I was leaping over a slide trying to get to him before he fail). As soon as I said and did this, SOOOO clearly I heard God say that to me, "Shawna, be careful, don't fall, hold my hand...I HAVE YOU!"

Have you ever been in a place where life is going so well, everything is going your way? AND somehow, we begin to leave out the one that is making it so good? We get into the hustle and bustle of life and kind of set God on the night stand..?? I'll admit, I do this, but today I was reminded by nature and love for my child that no matter how many times we try to do things by ourself or back away from God, He is STILL there and ready to catch us.

I am so glad to know that I have someone so faithful to always be there to catch me when I fall!

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