
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome home Kay!

As many of you know my baby sister went on a two month journey to Africa.
She worked with orphans, nursing, agriculture, and many other things that I am not doing a good job of saying I am sure :)

Kaylan and I are very close and I had no idea how much I rely on her to give me opinions and advice until she was GONE for two months...very little and poor communication...a few emails here and there. I was so glad to welcome her home. I was lucky enough to be able to hitch a ride with my parents and do just that.

I waited out in the car while mom and dad went to get her.

You will never know how glad my momma was to see her baby!

Kaylan was so happy to see Papa Bear and her baby, Nacho!
I swear she reminded my parents every phone and email conversation from the day she left!
I even made sure to add it to the list of things to bring...we would have been in serious trouble had we forgot :)

Our baby is back!

It was such an amazing feeling to HUG her!

Willie felt the same way! The kids were so happy Aunt Kay was back!

Welcome home

I know she learned so much while she was away--I did too!
I'm so glad she's home though! Just not the same without our baby gurl!

Take a moment to watch a video from the organization she worked with:
many of you know my baby sister went on a two month journey to Africa.

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