
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Healthy Snack Ideas

I commented on a friends blog about healthy snacks and thought I would share some ideas here with all my mommy friends.

My kids love fruit! 9 times out of 10 they will pick fruit over fries. Some things we do here:

1) We do go to the farmers market and the kids can touch and pick out their own fruit

2) In the spring we pick strawberries at the farmers market and make jelly and bread...This is SO fun for the kids and the strawberries are so much tastier than the ones in the store.

3) For snack time, get a cupcake pan and fill it with all different kids of fruits and veggies. set it out, where the kids can reach, for about 30 minutes...they will obviously eat all of their favorites first...then wrap it up and put it out the next day, they may say, well I don't like it...say, well, this is snack and if you're hungry you may eat it, if not dinner will be in a few hours...The point is to introduce new foods to them, expose them to the usual, and get the to at least taste all of them it's super healthy and you wont feel guilty for snacking with them either.

 (Ideas to fill it with: strawberries, grapes, sliced bananas, oranges, kiwi, mango (my kids fav!), gold fish, cheese sticks-sliced, carrots, broccoli, avocado, corn, cauliflower (you can even buy the purple kind), yellow, red, and/or green name a few. Switch it up!  Do not serve these with any want your children to appreciate the naturally flavors of these yummy foods! (Thanks to my sis. for this idea--we love it!)

3)My kids fav!! Making fruit smoothies. buy mixed frozen fruit in a bag, use 1 c. Orange juice, 1 c. grape or blueberry juice, then fill with as much frozen fruit as you want to make as thick as you want, blend, will need thick straws if your kids like it as thick as mine do :)

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